Highest Quality Requirements at TECMART STORES
TECMART STORES LIMITED is a wholesaler and retailer aimed at repair shops with high quality requirements. TECMART STORES LIMITED therefore stands for supplying quality products, which is one of our mottos. We find it extremely important that our customers are informed about the different qualities of the products we offer. We are therefore happy to explain these different qualities to you. Our goal is to provide you with the best possible service, so that you can ultimately provide the end user with a perfectly working device. This will create a sense of familiarity with the end user and increase customer satisfaction within your organization.
As being in this repair industry for many years, we started our humble roots in catering to the many wholesale distributors. As time went on, we had channeled a different approach and moved to dealing directly with our retailers and repair shops. This strategy allowed us to deal directly with the pain points our customers faced with repair parts and components. This lead to us catering to specialized parts and accessories to repair stores. As we are ever-expanding, quality and pricing has been a key factor in picking any ideal supplier and we hear you loud and clear.
New products daily
We are also constantly expanding our range. By expanding our range, we make it possible for you to have the various parts and accessories of new devices that are introduced on the market. We keep up with the times and make it easy for you to have access to the various parts and accessories for the new devices without any effort. This is a good prospect for your organization.
Perfecting our products and services
Another important point that we are constantly working on is perfecting our products and services. To this end, we apply strict quality requirements that all our products must meet. All our products undergo a strict quality control, which is done in a process by our specialists. They are specialized in the field and have professional equipment. Based on the results of the quality control, any improvements can be made. When these checks have been positively completed, the products will be offered in our webshop.
Your feedback counts!
Finally, we would like to inform you that we are open to receive feedback from you. We value the feedback we receive from you because we can include your feedback in the process of quality control of our products. This is a great way of working together for both you and us, which will yield even better results for both of us.
Time and effort is put every day (and night) to make sure we are doing the best to meet your demands and requirements. Reality is, we need you more than you need us, and hence why we make sure our quality, price, and our customer service is as excellent as possible. Should you have any questions about our products and services, please feel free to contact us.